Saturday, 6 July 2013


Hi everyone,
It's Zora, I apologise for not blogging this recent Saturday . My regularity will pick up again next weekend! 

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Be Eco today! MIT

   Well... I am happy to say that I have got my mitts on the new clothes shop and brand MiT, Made in Tottenham or Making it Together . This brand is  upcoming and new, it's set up a shop on font-hill road.I am almost certain that their clothing will be as cool as Abercrombie and Fitch!
           This brand consists of: tops , dresses , onesies , trousers. This is an up cycling project, which means that they can create an AMAZING dress out of a mans suit for say. Earlier, I was talking to the maker of MIT and he said that MIT is a jobs for the younger generation and that it will change the unemployment levels of today. 

I will blog next week
But until then have a great week and spread the Eco word around!

Zora Xx

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Long blue (affordable) boots

Hi everyone out there ,

Firstly, thank you so much for all the views and secondly I have to say Isossy.... YOU ARE GREAT AT PUBLICITY! So, I was thinking about making a little fashion blog  about all my new (FAVOURITE) items of clothing and shoes. So from now on , every Saturday will be my blogging day! So keep a look out for me !
        The first item that I'm going to review is the  , TK- maxx 's thigh long boots that I got in May. They are easy to roam about in and are canvas which means that they can be worn in the rain. When you wear them for the first time they pinch your lower thigh a bit but after a while they are AMAZING!
       These boots are exclusive to many TK-maxx's so grab them  while the last, they come in all different colours like :

and (of course ) BLUE!

So, until next Saturday. Keep on being your awesome selves
xx Zora

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Vivienne skirt!

Hiya Everyone!

This is my first blog for Isossy Children and I have a lot to say.  
I just got my first EVER Isossy item of clothing, and it’s absolutely.... incredible! I’m not just saying that! 

When I first wore the skirt I had a purple fringe and the purple in my Vivienne tween skirt matched my hair, I had so many positive comments.  The skirt has multiple colours in and an African pattern underneath the petticoat layers, which I find makes the skirt a skirt. 

I am already jittering about what I will get next from the fabulous Isossy and how amazing it will be. This particular skirt is in the Play section of skirts and personally I found that you can move around extremely well in this piece and will certainly catch the attention of passersby.  
This skirt is great for parties and not particularly good for sleepovers.  Even though this skirt goes with a lot of colours I found that a fitted t-shirt goes best and some patterned t-shirts and blouses don’t go with this particular style. But this skirt is very flexible and if worn correctly can be worn to any occasion: a party, wedding or christening!

I hope to blog again soon but in the meantime check me out on YouTube

Xx Zora